Digital Printing at Its Best !

Quienes Somos

Aura es el último líder en tendencias en el campo de la tecnología de impresión digital textil. Tenemos como objetivo cambiar la dinámica del mercado. Nos esforzamos por reunir las mejores tecnologías de hardware y software e integrarlas en nuestra cartera de productos.


Acerca de la impresión textil digital

Ahora nos enfrentamos frente a un grave problema de contaminación junto a la dificultad de encontrar técnicos expertos que puedan trabajar en las fábricas de tintes y de impresión. Esto hace que la impresión digital sea la solución a dichos problemas.



Proceso de impresión digital

El proceso de impresión digital en el textil depende del tipo de tejido que se quiera imprimir. Para mejorar el proceso de impresión y lograr los colores correctos, es esencial añadir al proceso el tratamiento de vaporización y lavado.


Nuevos Lanzamientos


Aura Speedy Plus

Aura 8i with Dryer

Asghar Mahmood
Textile Services Company, Pakistan

For us, Aura Digital symbolizes all the aspects that make up for a perfect business relationship. Their digital printing machines have been designed to balance both the aesthetic and technical areas, in addition to their professional approach towards customer services. We wish them luck and look forward to a long working relationship with them.

Sara Textile, Pakistan.

My experience with AURA is very nice. I prefer AURA over any other firm dealing in the same business because I trust AURA and I would love to continue this dealing in future as well.

Taimoorarshad khan
Rehan Usman Fabrics, Pakistan

I want you to know that we are very pleased with the quality of service your company provides. We sincerely appreciate your responsiveness and the way you conduct business. We have recommended your company to others because of our satisfaction with your service. We look forward to doing business with you for years to come.

Tommy knit, Serbia

Easy to operate printers, no need for previous knowledge. Fast shifting between designs. Wide colour gamut. Excellent printer and service.

Robert Randzik
SPR Svetlana Textile Industry, Serbia

Reliable printers from a reliable manufacturer. Best value for the invested money. Technical support is great, fast answers and fast delivery of spare parts. Always Looking forward to adding new machines from Aura.

Mohit Jain
Bakson Ind, India

Best machines for Digital Printing. especially for knits with spandex fabric.

Vani Verma
Print Shop , India

Aura is family to us; Best machine & best team to provide the best service.

Ray Kowalski
Prime Time Sports Apparel, USA

I am really happy we decided to go with you guys
as your machines and your service have been exactly what we needed.